
Answers to cargo questions

Q: which goods can't be shipped by air?
A: inflammable, explosive, corrosive, toxic, radioactive and other goods can not be sent by air. Bacteria harmful to human body, animals and plants, and microbial products such as culture medium with bacteria should not be empty
Q: which items are rejected by AVIC?
A: any goods, books, newspapers, photos, superstitious and reactionary propaganda materials, currency, precious metals, securities, antiques and cultural relics, food, drugs, liquid and powder articles, arms and letters prohibited by the relevant national policies and regulations are within the scope of transportation refused by Angus.
Q: how to insure air cargo?
A: insurance should be based on the actual value of the goods. Otherwise, in case of loss or damage of the goods, according to the relevant insurance and claim provisions, the shipper can only get the compensation of the insured amount (or its proportion) at most.
Q: in case of damage or loss, how to handle the claim procedures?
Answer: 1. If the goods are damaged or lost, the consignee should put forward to the carrier on the spot, and the carrier should fill in the transportation accident visa according to the regulations, which should be signed or sealed by both parties.
2. When claiming compensation from the carrier, the consignee or shipper shall fill in the cargo claim form, and attach the cargo waybill, transportation accident visa, and the certificate or other valid proof that can prove the content and price of the goods.
3. If the consignee or consignor fails to claim for compensation beyond the statutory claim period, it shall be deemed as giving up the claim right automatically.
4. Claims are generally handled at the destination.
5. The carrier shall reply to the claim made by the shipper or the consignee within two months.
6. When receiving the claim, the carrier who does not accept the claim shall promptly transfer the claim to the carrier concerned and notify the claimant.
Q: what is pulling goods and why?
A: it's called pulling cargo if it's not delivered according to the scheduled flight. There are many reasons for pulling cargo, such as bad weather, limited aircraft load, full passengers, more mail, etc.
Q: how does the receiving party collect the air cargo?
A: if it is picked up by the airport, it should be picked up at the airport with the original order number and the identity card of the consignee (if the name of the company is filled in, the certificate of the company is also required). If it is a combined bill, pick up the goods at the designated point of the company with the company's bill number (7 digits) and the receiver's ID card (if the company name is filled in, the company's certificate is also required). If the bill is issued separately, the goods will be picked up in the city. The consignee will pick up the goods in the city designated by CAAC with his ID card (if the name of the company is filled in, the certificate of the company is required) and the original order number.
Q: what should be paid attention to when shipping audio-visual products and computer CDs
A: When consigning audio-visual products, the consignor must present with the goods the certificate of transportation and delivery of audio-visual products issued by the local (e.g. Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture) and the delivery list (local audio-visual City products); When consigning a CD-ROM, the consignor must show the mailing certificate and program list issued by the local copyright bureau. If more than 3000 pieces of CD-ROM are consigned at one time, the consignor must bring the original copyright certificate of the product to the local Airport Public Security Bureau for record
Q: how to compensate for the loss or damage of the goods?
Answer: 1. If the goods have declared value or no insurance, the carrier shall compensate according to the actual loss value. However, the maximum amount of compensation is 20 yuan per kilogram.
2. If the declared value of the goods has been handled with the carrier, compensation shall be made according to the declared value; If the carrier proves that the declared value of the shipper is higher than the actual value of the goods, compensation shall be made according to the actual loss
3. The insurance company shall compensate the insured goods according to relevant regulations.
Q: how to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with our company?
A: please contact the nearest branch (or branch) of our company to your location and sign the goods transportation contract!
Q: what is the major of Xunfei?
A: we can provide you with 24-hour door-to-door professional express delivery service, and constantly optimize the delivery and transshipment channels on the basis of the current operation, so as to improve the timeliness from collection to delivery; At the same time, we are committed to improving the service quality and creating a more intimate and professional cooperation choice for you.

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